In July 2016 as started the European project "SAMT SUDOE - Spread of Additive Manufacturing (AM) and advanced materials Technologies for promoting industrial KET (Key Enabling Technologies) in mould and plastics industries within SUDOE space".
This is a European project funded by the Interreg SUDOE program through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This program, which supports regional development in south-west Europe, promotes transnational cooperation to solve problems such as low investment in research and development and low competitiveness of SMEs.
SAMT SUDOE aims to promote the application of KET technologies for additive manufacturing (3D printing) and advanced materials in the mould and plastics industry within the SUDOE space by creating networks and links between companies, R & D centers, higher education institutions and public bodies. To this end, it will foster the adoption of advanced production systems and new materials in the technological industries of these regions which are present in a wide variety of sectors such as the automobile, health, textiles, footwear and consumer goods.
The moulds and plastics sectors in the SUDOE space face several common problems that hinder their ability to compete globally, such as the difficulty of being involved in R & D activities, difficulties in incorporating innovations developed in universities or R & D centers, obstacles to upgrade technology and develop human resource skills, among others.
By promoting the application of the new KET (Key Enabling Technologies) in these sectors it will contribute to the development of transnational R & D activities, enabling both companies and organizations to interact continuously with the R & D system, allowing them to enter In more competitive markets.
This initiative is led by AIJU - Centro Tecnológico dos Brinquedos (Spain), which together with CENTIMFE (Portugal) and CNRS ICMCB (France) will contribute with their knowledge and experience in Additive Manufacturing Technologies (AM) and Advanced Materials. In addition, the Cluster of Innovative Companies of Valle del Juguete - CEIV (Spain) will provide insight and knowledge regarding the target sectors of the project and the Valencian Industrial Competitiveness Institute (IVACE) will be responsible for transferring this knowledge to all productive sectors.